MomCo, which stands for Mom Community, (formally called MOPS) is a place for all moms to meet and come together with kids of all ages. We are moms, and we believe that better moms make a better world.
We’re convinced that moms are some of the most powerful creatures on the planet. What is the word people use to define powerful things? It is ‘the mother’… the mother of all storms, the mother of all traffic, the mother lode. To be a mother is to be a force of nature, but that doesn’t mean it should be done alone. We saved you a seat.
Our first meeting will be Wednesday, September 4th 2024 from 9-11:30am at Northkirk Presbyterian Church. We are excited to get going for this new "Wild Hope" MomCo year. We meet every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month from 9-11:30am with childcare provided (as space allows). Meetings consist of fellowship, light breakfast and generally include one activity like a speaker, craft and then discussion time, where we get to bond as moms over topics that are important to us. Above all, MOPS mornings are a way for mamas to connect with one another on a regular basis.
We welcome new members throughout the year as long as we haven't reached enrollment capacity for the 2024-2025 year.
Register by completing the form below and deliver or mail a check to Northkirk Presbyterian Church 9101 19th St. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91701. The church is usually open from 9am-3pm, M-F. Checks can be made out to Northkirk Presbyterian Church. Please include your name (if it isn't on the check) and put MOPS in the remitter. Also, please address envelope to the attention of Abby. Alternatively, if you'd like to pay by Venmo, you can send to the church treasurer, Emily Scholz @Northkirk-Presbyterian-Church
If you have any questions about registration, please email Bailey at mopsofnorthkirk@gmail.com
The cost to register for MOPS is: a combination of $37 (a one-time a year fee to MOPS International) + a $50 per semester activity fee. This fee is used to help pay for speakers, crafts, supplies, and much more. Additionally if you require childcare, it is $40/semester for the first child and $35/semester for each additional child. If you are unable to pay part or all of the dues, please fill out a scholarship form and email it to Nancy at nancykwedar@roadrunner.com
We look forward to seeing you there!​​